Scouts are our group of young people aged 10 1/2 to 14 years old who are discovering their place in the world through adventure.
We usually meet on a Friday evening between 7 and 9pm, but we do get up to weekend adventures as well.
Simon is our Scout leader who loves the outdoors and all the adventurous activities Scouts can enjoy. He is a qualified archery instructor and runs sessions both on camps and at weekly meetings for the Scouts and Cubs.
All of our activities are geared up to work towards the Scouts’ Gold Scout Award through a series of 9 Challenge awards and around 75 different activity badges (don’t worry, you only have to complete six activity badges for your Gold award not all 75!), so there is something for everyone! There’s loads more about what you can get up to on the Scout website, the only limits are your imagination and enthusiasm, oh an of course time, money and our awesome adult volunteers who give up their time for free!
Here are just some of the activities we have been taking part in this year: climbing, archery, model making, making ‘Guys’ to take with us on our fundraising morning in the town centre, camping, cooking, pioneering, water fights, candle making to name but a few.
Our troop is currently made up of five patrols all named after birds of prey, lead by a Patrol Leader with an Assistant Patrol Leader
If you would like to join us, fill in the form here and we will be in touch.
Falcons | Hawks | Eagles | Kestrels | Curlews |