Cub Scouts are our young adventurers aged from 8 to 10 ½, we encourage our youth members to learn about the world around them and be adventurous.
Cubs is led by Vanya and meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8pm, check out the programme on OSM (once you’ve joined us of course) for details on where they are meeting. They regularly hold sleepovers and an annual summer camp.
Vanya is our Cub leader who loves the outdoors and seeing young people experience new things for the first time. Vanya has been involved with 2nd Goring for over 30 years and was a Cub Leader in Croydon whilst she worked in London.
The Cubs programme is made up of 7 challenge awards and 55 activity badges all going towards their Silver Award. We do our best to cover as many of these in our program which ensures that there is a variety of activities to engage our youth members everything from exploring the world around us, adventure, crafts and developing life skills.
Our pack is made up of 4 sixes named after colours, each is led by a sixer and seconder.
Read more about what Cubs can get up to on the Scout Association website.
Where do your badges go on your uniform? Check out our FAQs page
Thinking of joining us? If you would like your child to join, please fill out the form on this page and we will be in touch!